Vintage style art

"Purely Vintage & Pristine"

By David Arredondo

MATERIAL USED:Cold press surface (15" x 20") illustration board of medium weight, rag cold press surface, oil pastels, oil based colored pencils.

PAINTING SIGNIFICANCE: "PURELY VINTAGE & PRISTINE" When life was simple and life was pure , when everything was meant to last a lifetime and more. From the family Fleetmaster to old faithful red, built to be pedaled through winters whenever and summers forever. Who ever would of imagined that those day's would come to an end, when Daddy was strong and steel wouldn't bend.

This image copyright © Law 2002.

Second Childhood

When I go on my morning walk, Because I'm mild,
If I be in the mood to talk I choose a child.
I'd rather prattle with a lass / Of tender age
Than converse in the high-brow class / With college sage. love the touch of silken hand That softly clings; In old of age I understand Life's little things. I love the lisp of tiny tongue And trusting eyes;
These are the joys that keep me young As daylight dies. For as to second childhood I Draw gently near, With happy heart I see the why
Children are dear. So wise Professor, go your way,--I am beguiled
To wistful loving by the gay Laugh of a child.

Vintage Poetry